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Showing posts from June, 2016

Paleo Challenge Ready!

Mr. and I are hosting a 30 day paleo challenge kicking off June 8th-July 8th.  If you are interested in joining our challenge send me an email to  We are hosting another challenge for several reasons. 1.  We need accountability in a big way!  Keeping you accountable will help keep us accountable. We're going to walk through this with you side by side every step of the way. 2.  We want you to have a chance at changing your life.  Mike and I's life has forever been changed following the Paleo Lifestyle.  We do these challenges because we want to pass on what we've            learned and to help others heal their bodies through food. 3.  We personally have been on a paleo roller coaster for way too long.  We're ready to get back at it and share with others this lifestyle again. Yesterday we hosted a Facebook Live event for our paleo challengers. You can find it on my Facebook page: Foo...