At a recent appointment with my favorite Integrative Medicine Physician, Mr. and I were able to lay it out all on the line and learned how to refocus on our health journey. Dr. W knows of how successful we've been with changing to a Paleo Lifestyle. He saw us through it every step of the way last time. So he asked us (individually) what we knew about Intermittent Fasting. Admittedly, Mr. and I knew very little and probably still don't know much but Dr. W assures us he's super impressed with what he's seen come from research and thought we'd be perfect candidates. So on August 1st (Actually the 31st of July because it was a Monday), Mr. and I started down this path. Much like the first time I tried paleo I was a little apprehensive. I've spent the last several years coaching others to eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. I've focused on food so much that I wasn't sure how I was going to slow that train down. I found that 1. It's a lot easi...