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30 Day Paleo Challenge Starting June 1st

I can't think of a better way to get back into the swing of blogging again than sharing a Paleo Challenge with all of you!  Mr. and I have reached out to friends/acquaintances on Facebook and are excited to have so many people interested in accepting our challenge.  We've put together rules/guidelines going forward.  It's only a $5 buy in BUT the potential to change your life is limitless!  Almost 2 years ago we took a similar challenge that changed our life.  As a result we shed our body of all medications.  We shed over 175 lbs combined.  We exercise often.  We sleep so much better.  We changed our bodies function.  We can't thank enough our Paleo Mentors that gently guided us to this lifestyle and opened the door of health for us to walk through.

Don't let this challenge intimidate you!  Join us and change your life too!  If you are local, join us for an informational meeting May 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Foundation Meeting (across from SHS)  bring your $5 buy in and we'll give you your meal plan packet and answer questions for you.  If you are not local, send an email to and we'll send you the meal packet and our address to mail your $5 buy in to.  We'll be drawing partners thereafter.

Paleo Support Group Paleo Challenge June 1st 2015 through June 30th


Entry Fee of $5 Per Person is required (Winning Team shares half, Winning Individual takes half)

Teams will consist of a Veteran and a Rookie (if possible)

All teams will be established by a “Blind Draw

Each team member will weigh in at the Beginning and at the End of the challenge (honor system).

Try not to weigh in between.  It’s not about the number but rather how you feel!  Do not sandbag the results! 

Each team member will be responsible in keeping a “Food Journal
**log what you ate, how much you ate and when you ate
Send weekly food journals to

There will be “Bonus Points” available Weekly.

Follow the “Weekly Meal Plan” or pre plan your own weekly meal plan.  Send Meal plans on Sunday night along with your points for the past week.

Each Team / Individual will earn Bonus points for:

+25 as a Team / +20 as an Individual Attending meetings / Guest speakers (Out of “town”? Substitute Robb Wolf’s book The Paleo Solution) or Documentaries The Perfect Human Diet and/or Fed Up.

+ 15 points for dining as a Team. Out of town partners?  Share a meal with someone new to Paleo for 15 points.  (1 time) #tag photo on Paleo Support Page and/or Instagram (#30dayPaleoChallenge AND #ChrisMissPaleo)

+10 points for Sunday cooking WOD #tag photo on Paleo Support Page and/or Instagram (#30dayPaleoChallenge AND #ChrisMissPaleo).  (40 points possible).  Cooking WODS (workout of the Day) plan for the week ahead.  Cut up veggies, prep meat, etc.

+10 points as an Individual Before/After Picture collage posted with Before/After Pictures.

+1 point per day when you sleep 7+ hours.

+5 points for exercising 3+ times per week.

Record Beginning work out time (walk/jog/run) 3 miles. Submit by Email once completed to  Give it your max effort.  Do not sandbag your results!  We’ll do this again at the end of the challenge to give points for decrease in time.

Submit Weekly Point totals on Sunday by Midnight (you really should be sleeping by midnight for your sleep points) to  We’ll keep track of team and individual points and post top 5 each week by Tuesday at noon on Paleo Support Page.

You will lose points for:

5 Points per day for Per Person if food journal does not contain 3 meals and 2 snacks
5 Points Per Team / Per Person for each cheat serving
5 Points Per TEAM / Per Person that does not show up for “Special Talks


Achieve 1 point per pound.
Achieve points per Bonus Plan.
Achieve 1 point per daily Journal entry with 3 meals and 2 snacks.

Allowed Foods if not following Provided Meal Plan:

Lean Meats:
·        Lean beef (trimmed of visible fat)
·        Beef Jerky (check label for added sugar)
·        Flank steak
·        Top sirloin steak
·        Extra-lean hamburger
·        Lean veal
·        Lean pork (trimmed of visible fat)
·        Pork loin
·        Pork chops
·        Lean poultry
·        Chicken breast
·        Turkey breast
·        Pork Burgers
·        Bacon (Uncured)
·        Ribs

Eggs (free range, hormone free, organic are best)
Fish: (wild caught preferred)
·        Bass
·        Bluefish
·        Cod
·        Eel
·        Grouper
·        Haddock
·        Halibut
·        Herring
·        Red snapper
·        Salmon
·        Shark
·        Striped bass
·        Tilapia
·        Trout
·        Tuna
·        Clams
·        Crab
·        Crayfish
·        Lobster
·        Mussels
·        Oysters
·        Scallops
·        Shrimp
·        Apricot
·        Avocado
·        Blackberries
·        Blueberries
·        Cantaloupe
·        Cherries (sour)
·        Cranberries
·        Figs
·        Grapefruit
·        Kiwi
·        Lemon
·        Lime
·        Nectarine
·        Orange
·        Papaya
·        Passion fruit
·        Peaches
·        Pineapple
·        Plums
·        Pomegranate
·        Raspberries
·        Star fruit
·        Strawberries
·        Artichoke
·        Asparagus
·        Beets
·        Bell peppers
·        Broccoli
·        Brussels sprouts
·        Cabbage
·        Carrots
·        Cauliflower
·        Celery
·        Collards
·        Cucumber
·        Eggplant
·        Green onion
·        Kale
·        Lettuce
·        Mushrooms
·        Mustard greens
·        Onions
·        Parsley
·        Parsnip
·        Peppers (all kinds)
·        Pumpkin
·        Spinach
·        Squash (all kinds)
·        Sweet Potato (in moderation)
·        Tomato (actually a fruit, but most people think of it as a vegetable)
·        Turnip greens
Nuts and Seeds (in Moderation):
·        Almonds
·        Brazil nuts
·        Chestnuts
·        Hazelnuts (filberts)
·        Macadamia nuts
·        Pecans
·        Pine nuts
·        Pistachios (unsalted)
·        Pumpkin seeds
·        Sesame seeds
·        Sunflower seeds
·        Walnuts
·        Olive oil
·        Coconut oil
·        Avocado Oil

Seltzer water (unflavored) 
Coconut water
Tap or Bottled Water
Coffee (in moderation 3 cups a day)
Herbal Tea (in moderation 3 cups a day)

Cheats: MINUS 5 POINTS (each serving)

Dairy Foods:
·        All processed foods made with any dairy products
·        Butter
·        Cheese
·        Cream
·        Dairy spreads
·        Frozen yogurt
·        Ice cream
·        Milk
·        Nonfat dairy creamer
·        Yogurt

·        Barley (barley soup, barley bread, and all processed foods made with barley)
·        Corn (corn on the cob, corn tortillas, corn chips, corn starch, corn syrup)
·        Millet
·        Oats (steel-cut oats, rolled oats, and all processed foods made with oats)
·        Rice (brown rice, white rice, top ramen, rice noodles, basmati rice, rice cakes, Rice flour (all processed foods made with rice)
·        Rye (rye bread, rye crackers, and all processed foods made with rye)
·        Wheat (bread, rolls, muffins, noodles, crackers, cookies, cake, doughnuts, pancakes, waffles, pasta, spaghetti, lasagna, wheat tortillas, pizza, pita bread, flat bread, and all processed foods made with wheat or wheat flour)
·        Wild rice
·        Quinoa

Cereal Grainlike Seeds:
·        Amaranth
·        Buckwheat

·        All beans (adzuki beans, black beans, broad beans, fava beans, field beans, garbanzo beans, horse beans, kidney beans, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, pinto beans, red beans, string beans, white beans) NO Green Beans for Challenge.
·        Black-eyed peas
·        Chickpeas
·        Lentils
·        Peas
·        Miso
·        Peanut butter
·        Peanuts
·        Cashews
·        Snowpeas
·        Sugar snap peas
·        Soybeans and all soybean products

Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices:
·        All sugary soft drinks and diet beverages
·        Gatorade
·        Vitamin water
·        Coke
·        Diet Coke
·        Canned, bottled, and freshly squeezed fruit drinks (which lack the fiber of fresh fruit and have a much higher glvcemic index)

Alcohol: (No Alcohol during Challenge)
·        White wine
·        Vodka
·        Gin
·        Rum
·        Beer

Artificial Sweeteners:
·        Sweet and Low
·        Splenda
·        Equal

·        Processed salad dressings
·        Store bought Mayonnaise
·        BBQ sauce
·        Ketchup
·        Mustard (unless just mustard seeds and vinegar; check the label)
·        Miracle Whip
·        Anything made with soybean oil
·        Anything made with high fructose corn syrup

·        Anything with added sugar


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