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Overcoming infertility PCOS using a Paleo Lifestyle!

I've been quiet the last couple of months because everything I wanted to say I couldn't.  Our house has been rocked with a huge suprise that we'll get to meet in May 2015!  Watch our video here:

The first time I even thought about blogging was when I noticed my cycles had regulated after only a short time following a Paleo Lifestyle.  Mr. and I have been so blessed by our new lifestyle and the health that we have gained from it.  We learned that I was expecting in the middle of September.  I'm finally in my second trimester and so feel comfortable putting our story out there to the world.

If only I had known throughout the years of infertility before and after our twin boys that "Food is a Drug," I might have never have experienced all the stress, anxiety, and cost that comes with infertility.  I am not suggesting that Paleo is 100% effective for every Infertility issue or even that it is 100% for every person that suffers from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).  I do know that when I was suffering through infertility that I would try anything and everything that was suggested to me.  When we conceived our almost 10 year old twin boys I was on a diet that was leaning towards paleo but still included dairy and a small amount of artificial sweeteners.  Although I had cycles they were forced with medications.  

One of the biggest surpises and health benefits for me has been regulating my cycles.  There have been a couple times during the last year that I would have longer cycles, etc. but I did go from having cycles 3 or 4 times a year to 30-35 day cycles.  Everytime I would start I would text my paleo mentor to tell her that I started again.  She warned that I may get pregnant and I scoffed saying that just because I was having a cycle didn't mean I was ovulating.  Nevermind that fact that she's an OBGYN and probably knew better than me!

Because I want to help give others hope I wrote a letter to my prior Reproductive Endocronologist.  It's someone I respect and admire very much.  He's the kind of doctor that if he had told me to get pregnant I would have to pull out all my eyelashes one by one I would have done it.  I trust him like no other physician I've ever been to and I hope he can use my experience to help others.  Here's the bulk of the letter I sent to him:

Dr. J,

I wanted to write you this letter to share with you our journey.  I write this to you humbly and with deep gratitude and appreciation.  I often refer friends, family and even strangers to you when I hear of struggles with infertility.  I’ll never forget the first time we met.  You simply looked at the blood work and the file that my OB/GYN office at the time had forwarded to you.  You circled two or three numbers and diagnosed me with PCOS.  I appreciated your confidence in helping me!  I loved the atmosphere at your south side office.

I followed your plan to a T.  I came back 3 months later 28 lbs lighter and was nervous that I didn’t hit the 30 lb mark but you were ecstatic for me.  Two rounds of Clomid and HCG and I was pregnant with twins.  During this time however I never cycled on my own. 

A few years after the boys were born we came back again hoping to repeat the results.  Unfortunately this time we weren’t so lucky.  Mike and I then began searching out alternative ways to grow our family.  We began looking at adoption, became foster parents with the hope of adoptions, and ultimately decided through prayer that our family of 4 was complete.

In August of 2013, Mike and I were gently encouraged by friends to change our sedentary and over-indulgent lifestyle.  We took a 30 day Paleo/Crossfit challenge.  At first I was very hesitant because I didn’t feel prepared mentally or physically.  Within 30 days I noticed major changes in my energy level and my face that had adult acne completely cleared up. I decided to extend my personal challenge to 90 days.  Within that 90 days I saw physical improvements in weight loss, blood work, but most importantly I had cycled twice on my own. 

I decided to stay the course and over the year Mike and I had lost a combined 175 lbs!  I had maintained having cycles throughout the remainder of the journey.  I felt like there was one or two major differences between the plan I was following at your suggestion and Paleo.   Dairy and artificial sweeteners.  I really feel that giving up dairy was the ultimate reason why I started cycling on my own.  I have never felt better!

In September we also received the shock of our lives.  We will welcome a new addition to our family!  I am due May 2015 with an unexpected blessing.  Although Mike and I are in shock after years of infertility we know that we are healthier now than we have ever been and we are thankful for our Paleo Lifestyle.

I know you are a PCOS expert!  I wanted to share my experience with you in the hopes that it can help others!  If I can help in any way, please let me know!  Thank you for all that you do to help families grow!


As I look back on the last 15 months of our Paleo/Crossfit journey, I am amazed at the opportunities we've had to share our story.  Tomorrow Mr. and I head back to Louisville to share on air how we are preparing for a Paleo Thanksgiving.  We have been so blessed by this lifestyle physically and emotionally!  

At the end of the day we were quite shocked to learn that we were expecting but we've slowly been digesting what a true blessing we're about to experience and we are definitely calling this our Paleo baby!

Our first look at our Paleo Baby on 10-21-14

I always ended my post with Dr. Sam's "Food is a Drug" line!  I've never believed in the power of food that you consume more than I do now!  Food is a Drug #Paleo


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