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10 Simple Ways to get your Kids to Eat #Paleo

10 Simple Ways to get your Kids to Eat #Paleo!

1.  Have a chat!  
My boys were 8 when we started our journey.  My husband and I had a chat with them about changing our eating habits.  Luckily they had taken a food class at our local library and they knew the importance of fruits and vegetables.  The obstacle became explaining to them why we weren't using the My Plate method as that is what they learned.  The My Plate method is the government recommended program on nutrition.

2.  Start with 1 meal a day!  
When we started and after our family discussion we thought they should be all in.  That did not happen.  Mr. and I would make them Eggs and Bacon for breakfast and pair it with a different fruit each day.  On the third day of eating eggs for breakfast G money sunk his head in his hands and wanted to know why he just couldn't eat oatmeal.  It took me a little while to get into the egg habit too.  You  can read about that here: I heart eggs!.  

Mr. and I quickly realized that we were pushing them too hard and backed off the breakfast meal being Paleo.  We decided to focus on dinner since that is the meal that we all share together at the table.  We've also always had rules for that meal.

3.  Set your expectations!  
G and E have always eaten what we were having for dinner.  I decided early on that I was not going to be a short order cook.  Our rule has always been if you don't like something you have to eat half of what is served if you want to have dessert or night snack.  Because we have always had that rule we thought it was our best chance at starting their conversion to #Paleo.  It has not been easy.  Many nights the boys have asked why we can't eat "normal" again.  If they whine too much we simply will excuse them from the table.  I must say over the 6 months we've slowly seen change.  They will both gobble up things now that 6 months ago we couldn't get them to touch.  As a matter of fact, Saturday night when I made Italian style cabbage, both boys ate it and one of them even said it was pretty good.  More often than not these past couple of weeks they are asking for seconds.  Our rule on seconds is that you have to have a small portion of the vegetable and the meat.  Three months in I would have told you that I didn't think it was going to work for them but now I can see them embracing #Paleo.

4.  Adapt their Favorites!  
Emeals occasionally will mark a Paleo meal on their meal plan as kid friendly.  That got me thinking.  Why not try and adapt some of G & E's favorite meals into #Paleo.  For instance the boys love chili. My "famous" chili, as the boys call it, has lots of veggies, meat, and beans in it.  I always served it with corn chips, cheese, and sour cream.  The first time I made my #Paleo version I just had corn chips for them and omitted the sour cream and shredded cheese.  The next time I made chili I served it with a side of raw carrots and celery.  Neither of them ever said a word about missing the toppings.  Maybe my Paleo Chili is now their new "normal."  :D

5.  Fix it Again!  
Just because my kids refuse to eat something doesn't mean that I won't fix it again.  There is a reason for this.  They are now eating things they wouldn't touch 6 months ago.  For instance, both of the boys will eat Asparagus like it's candy (especially when it's grilled).  When we started they would complain about it every time.  It's not just one thing though.  Over the last 6 months I've seen it happen with several veggies.  They'll eat brussel sprouts, cooked spinach, cabbage, avacados, cooked carrots, sweet potatoes (except for G) just to name a few.  If I would have tried it once and admitted defeat, I would have been failing them.  I secretly smile inside whenever they decide they actually do like something.  A mini #Paleo victory dance in my head happens every time!

6.  Baby Steps!
When we started our Paleo journey on August 1, 2013, Mr. and I had an all in approach.  We wanted to rid our bodies of all the toxic chemicals we were filling them with.  I am glad though that we listened to the boys and their reactions to the changes.  We quickly realized that this wasn't a journey that they chose and there was no chronic condition on their part that caused the journey to begin.  We pulled back on their involvement and decided to start with one meal.  Together we decided that baby steps would be best to help them learn to understand the journey.  In the long run I think using baby steps will help them make better decisions about food.  Make a plan and choose what baby steps will help your kiddos journey to a paleo lifestyle!

7.  Increase to 2 Meals a Day!
Mr. and I have eggs and bacon just about every day.  We have been allowing the boys to have cereal and oatmeal for breakfast.  A couple weeks ago when I was making bacon in the morning one of the boys came in and commented on how good it smelled.  I calmly asked if they would like some bacon and eggs (heart pounding).  When they agreed, I knew this was a turning point.  That morning I made my best bacon and eggs but I added something else, toast!  I added grass fed butter to it and served it with their breakfast.  They both commented on how yummy of a breakfast it was.  I told Mr. that night and pretty much ever since they've been eating eggs and bacon again except the next day we eliminated the toast.  Again, much like the chili process they haven't said a word about missing the toast.  We also serve fruit with their bacon and eggs and change out their style of eggs several times during the week.  Occassionaly they'll ask for cereal and oatmeal and we will oblige but most days for them now it's bacon and eggs with a side of fruit.  Small victory!

8.  Knowledge is Power!
My kids our pretty smart little guys and I'm sure your kids are smart too!  I like to give them tidbits whenever possible!  Along my Paleo Journey I've learned a lot about food and the affect it has on my body.  I often shared information with Mr. but less often with G & E.  But I've learned to share the information with them too.  I think it's really important for them to know why we choose to eat the way we do and why we think it's important to change their "normal" and ours.  Mr. has been sharing information with them too and slowly we are seeing changes to how they talk and act about food.  Now when we tell them to pick out a piece of fruit for their night snack there is no argument.  As we continue our journey as a family our goal is to learn and grow in our relationship with food.

Another quick note on knowledge, there have been several meals that I have prepared along the paleo journey that I haven't liked.  My initial reaction was not to share with them that I didn't like what I had made.  I didn't want them to know that I didn't like it because I wanted them to like it and eat it.  Then I changed my mind.  I started sharing with the kids at dinner that I didn't care for something.  I did eat it anyway.  I wanted them to see that even if I didn't care for something I would still eat it.  When they questioned me about this, I simply told them that even though I didn't like it I knew it was good for me and was good for my body.  I think they and I really appreciate the honest interaction about food.  Their knowledge that Mom eats stuff she doesn't like because she knows its good for her is priceless.

9.  Take it All In Stride!  
When my kids are in school and have snacks, parties, lunch, etc. I am pretty sure they are not eating #Paleo.  At this point I don't let it bother me.  When they go to friends homes, stay with my parents, or go to Birthday Parties, they aren't eating #Paleo.  Recently the boys went to a friends house to play.  They had pizza for lunch that day.  Their friends mom commented that the boys went on and on how good the pizza was and how they never get to eat pizza anymore.  At the boys school Valentines Party, I watched G-money slather his sugar cookie with as much icing as he could manage to decorate it with and devour it.  I've decided to take it all in stride.  I know on most occasions they are getting the vitamins they need.  I do plan on helping them realize the difference between how they feel when they consume too much sugar and when they eat more healthy.

10.  Tackle the #Paleo Lunch!
This has been my biggest challenge thus far!  How to tackle a kids Paleo Lunch has been a mental challenge for me and I think about it often.  Sometimes I'm able to warm up leftovers and send the food with them in their thermos.  Oftentimes when I do that one of their well meaning buddies will make fun of the look or smell of what they have.  Currently, I'm still packing sandwiches but adding fresh fruits and vegetables and always water!  I've recently started buying the thin sandwich bread and soft tortillas to make their sandwiches.  Admittedly, they do eat school lunch 1-2 times a week.  The good news is their school offers a salad bar.  I do need to do more research to find better avenues for transition on the #paleo lunch topic and as I find them I promise to share.  

Overall I've learned converting kids to Paleo eating is challenging.  I'm glad that we've stuck with it though because changes are happening.  I don't know that the boys will ever be 100% Paleo.  But I do know that as a family our eating habits have improved so much and for that I am grateful!


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