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Overcoming Paleo in a Counter Cultural World

Paleo is a Lifestyle that is counter cultural.  Looking back over the last couple of months as my 90/10 lifestyle became 80/20 and maybe even 70/30, I realize that much of what surrounds our lives works against a Paleo Lifestyle.

For instance, during staff appreciation week students filled baggies with goodies for teachers/staff.  On my desk now sits a bag full of all different kinds of forbidable treats.  Some of my favorite as a matter of fact.  My kids want me to bring it home to them but I'd prefer they didn't devour all that sugar either.

During retreats we tend to have lots of food available.  No one ever goes hungry on one of my retreats.  But I without thinking filled baskets with chocolate, sugar, and more chocolate.  My youth brought in snacks that were gluten filled and artificial based.  So as we were nourishing our souls we were also destroying our cells.

Often times as I attend meetings/conferences etc. the menu can be difficult to navigate.

When we go to restaurants often times either bread/butter or chips/salsa are placed on our table.

How many food restaurants/convenience stores do you drive by in a given day?

Paleo is definitely counter cultural.  I feel very fortunate to have been gently guided on this journey.  I'm thankful everyday for the short term and long term benefits this lifestyle allows me, my husband our kids but also my mom (sometimes dad) and sister.  Support systems are huge.  Luckily we've had that from Day 1.

Planning is key in many of these areas.  Calling ahead before meetings for meal info (usually I request gluten/dairy free) and packing your own if necessary.  Having healthy snacks on hand so your not so quick to grab whatever unhealthy options is in the break room.

Since we've been so public with our lifestyle change our social situations have been much easier to navigate.  When we have dinner with friends it's always a topic of conversation.  Oftentimes if we're not sure there is something we can have we offer to make a bring side items etc.  Our first Paleo Thanksgiving we made several Paleo options for sides so we didn't feel like we missed out but didn't feel miserable afterwards either. **Note: It's not the turkey that makes you feel stuffed and tired.

It's also another reason we created a 30 Day Paleo Challenge for friends/aquaintances/family.  As more people that surround us experience the paleo lifestyle there is a push for items at restaurants and in grocery stores.  Plus it's great to know that you aren't on Paleo Island by yourself!

We have been in very few situations where there wasn't a way to overcome obstacles.  In those situations I think you have to do your best and know that you do your best and move on.  In the almost 2 years I've been following a paleo lifestyle it may be happened 1 maybe 2 times.  So by and large it shouldn't be an issue.

Changing Gears:

Spring is in full bloom in our area hinging on summer as 90's are forecasted this week.  This morning after my workout I visited my garden and was quite pleased with some of the progress.  I don't have a huge green thumb.  I enjoy gardening to a point but always feel like I'm not quite sure what I am doing.  But I love eating fresh veggies from the garden.  What can be more Paleo than that?

We don't have a large garden, we live in the city. I think it's important for our boys to see that you can grow your own food and that it takes work.  They are helpful in planting and watering and love to come out with me to harvest.

I've put in some stuff I've never planted before like:



Brussel Sprouts Top
 Like I mentioned our garden isn't huge.  But we pack as much as we can in there.  This year we have Kale, Spinach, Cabbage, Eggplant, Brussel Sprouts,Beans, Peppers, Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Cucumbers, and Zucchini.  The raised bed in back has herbs and sunflowers.

(can't wait until their ripe)
I'm looking forward to watching these beautiful plants grow knowing that there were no pestisides or fertilizers used.  I'm also looking forward to summer farmers markets and picnics!  Food is a Drug #Paleo


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