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Paleo Challenge Week #1

Mr. and I challenged friends/family/acquaintances to a 30 day Paleo Challenge starting June 1st.  We were thrilled when we had 28 individuals accept our challege.  We set up rules, we shared a "What to eat" list, we shared some of our favorite Emeals recipes, and we partnered them with a random draw for a countability partner.

This 30 Day strict challenge has really inspired Mr. and I as well.  We've been detoxing right along side our Newly Paleo friends.  We've been a bit lax in our paleo lifestyle and followed more of an 80/20 or 70/30 lifestyle.  That's one of many reasons we wanted to issue a challenge, we new we needed to clean up our eating habits too.

We've had mixed reviews.  Most people are enjoying the positives.  We have a great Paleo Support Facebook page to share meal ideas, successes and ask questions.  We've been able to inspire friends out of the country but wanting the benefits of this lifestyle as well.  Strict Paleo can be hard initially but because of the support system it seems as if everyone is doing pretty well.  Mr. has said this cleanse for him has been harder than when he first started the lifestyle.  Our kiddo G expressed this weekend he wanted to join the challenge too.  He started today and by 11 a.m. was already complaining of his withdrawal headache.  Poor kid!

I've been most inspired by everyone's support of each other.  Testimonials from people sending emails about mini successes.  People have already noticed less inflammation (bloating), decrease in allergy/sinus symptoms, and significant weight loss.  This has caused me to keep strict to the paleo rules and guidelines.  I know that the end of this challenge allows me to tweak things to represent my shade of Paleo.  It has also helped me to realize how far I've strayed from my true shade of paleo.  Thank you to all our challengers for the isnpiration!

I'm sharing some of my post that I wrote as I was transitioning to this lifestyle in hopes that something I've said may help you!

What is Paleo?  Follow this link: Paleo is Simple

Starting your journey with a partner?  Follow this link: Couple Paleo Musts

Paleo Meal Planning? Follow this link: Meal Planning for Beginners

Paleo Grocery Shopping? Follow this link: Paleo Grocery Shopping

Keep up the good work!  Food is a Drug #Paleo


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