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Personal Paleo Challenge Day# 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

I'm over here plugging along still on Day #8 of my 90 day Paleo journey.

We've had a busy weekend and beginning of the week.

I got to cheer my favorite Triathlete on during his 1st Olympic Trialthlon this weekend:

I got to cheer on my to favorite 5th graders all the way to their first day of school.

I got to help my favorite 3 year old niece celebrate her Frozen Birthday.

Plus I got to meal plan and shop for the week for my own first week back to school.  Using emeals has cut the time I spend meal planning down by hours.  I simply go to my phone and use the emeals app to pull up the menu and grocery list for the week.  I am in love with a new feature on the emeals app.  I'm not the biggest fan of cooking seafood at home especially indoors during the winter.  So the new feature allows me to replace it with one of my favorites from prior weeks AND updates my shopping list reflecting the change!

So far so good.  I've been able to eat well but not perfect these last few days.

When we picked up Mr's packet for his race the next day we headed to Texas Roadhouse.  This is my favorite Paleo meal out.  Salad, prime rib and sweet potato.  It hit the spot that evening.

I picked up a sale slab of Spare Ribs on my shopping venture and used my new Instant Pot for the 3rd time.  I can't wait to continue to use it more and more but for now I've got the ribs down pat!

I found this lunch meat at Aldi's a couple of weeks ago and have bought it for the boys lunches and have even packed it for myself a time or two.  Uncured Black Forest Ham!

How do I stay Paleo during this busy time?  PLANNING!!!  I pack snacks with me wherever I go so I know I won't be hungry before my next meal.  I use emeals for my dinner plans and adjust the menu based on our activity level that night.  When I come home from the grocery I chop up celery and carrots for snacks during the week.  This week I made 2 extra meals that didn't get cooked last week and that has ensured us plenty of leftovers.

For back to school planning emeals is perfect.  I've recently been able to review the lunch plan and again I'm in love.  Great stuff that I can either make quickly at home during my lunch break and non cook options that I can pack for the boys and I the night before.  Emeals has been one of the easiest back to school decisions I've made.  Emeals helps Mr. and I take the stress out of meal planning, shopping and prep.

I've been keeping my activity level up during my Personal Paleo Challenge too.  Since I workout in the morning it's helped keep the boys on a better schedule as we head back to school.  Their football season starts tomorrow...then the fun really begins!


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