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My personal 90 Day Paleo Challenge!

I've said it and heard it said more than I can count.  This summer has flown by.  Maybe it's because it's still really summer and we're thinking back to school.  Maybe it's because our summers are filled with camps and high hopes for lots of reading and napping.  Although I'm not looking forward to the start of school, I am looking forward to having a schedule again.  Getting back into a bit of routine will be good for myself and the boys.  We're staring down this last week of freedom and bracing ourselves for another year of wisdom.

I started this morning getting back on my workout schedule.  If I don't work out before the sunrises its way to easy for me to put it off.  I am not a morning person.  I don't hit the gym at 5:30 a.m. because it's my optimal time.  I hit the gym at 5:30 a.m. because if I don't get it in first thing, it's way to easy to put on the back burner.

Today I committed myself to a 90 day paleo challenge.  Mr. and I just finished hosting a 30 day paleo challenge with friends and people from our community.  It was fun but I'm telling you as soon as I put that first taste of sugar on my tongue that's all she wrote.  I had 2 weeks of free for all.  I felt like poo but kept on plugging.  This 90 days is for me.  It's not for a competition nor is it for anyone else but myself.  No more leanience with myself.  I have been very gentle with myself since I've lost Charlie.  On some days I still am but by and large most days I am able to suck it up and move forward.

I began my Paleo journey 2 years ago on August 1st.  I am forever greatful that it has changed my life for the better.  Paleo is journey not a destination.  You learn as you go and I've been able to experience life through much clearer eyes.

The Paleo lifestyle takes discipline, planning, and effort.  When you follow it you maximize your bodies potential.  Your body is a vessel given to you by God.  It's your job to take the best care of it you can.  One day you'll give it personal goal is when I give it back it's gently used.

Here's to 90 days!

Food is a Drug #Paleo


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