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Paleo is Simple!

I've been bombarded with friends and strangers asking questions about Paleo.  I am excited that so many people are excited to try the lifestyle and see if it can help them the way it has helped Mr. and I.  I thought a post to answer some of the questions I am getting along with some additional information was in order.

Don't over think Paleo!

It's really pretty simple.  Fruits and Vegetables(Organic when possible), Grass Fed Beef (if possible), Nuts and Seeds.

Paleo Food Pyramid

My typical breakfast includes bacon, eggs, and fruit or avocado.  To add variety I cook my eggs a different way every day.  I usually rotate between fried soft, fried hard, and scrambled eggs with red onion, red, pepper, mushrooms, and spinach.  My breakfast usually looks like this:

Paleo Breakfast

I don't count or measure anything.  We buy our eggs from local farmers.  They are so much better than store bought PERIOD.  I usually gauge how hungry I am by how many eggs I make.  Some days I fix two eggs but others I fix 3 eggs.  I buy our bacon from a local butcher but it's best to get uncured bacon.  I do buy that but not as often.  With our entire family eating Paleo breakfast we easily go through 4-5 dozen eggs a week.  I never buy less than 2 lbs of bacon at a time.  

Snacks are simple too!

I am trying to loose weight along this Paleo Journey.  I limit my fruit for snacks.  I noticed when I increased my fruit and nut intake my weight loss slowed down.  Currently I have cut out all fruits and nuts as I am trying to get that final 30 lbs off.  It's been difficult but I am looking for results.  I will slowly add them back in during the next couple of weeks.  

Right now my snacks include raw veggies, leftover soup, and protein.  I try and eat a rainbow everyday. Here's visual of my morning snack and afternoon snack.

Morning Snack
Gluten Free-MSG Free Ham with celery and red peppers

Afternoon Snack
Leftover Flank Steak with tomatoes, carrots, and celery
Lunch is a Cinch!

I have been in the habit of always eating leftovers from previous nights dinner for lunch the next day.  I am lucky in that I have a microwave at work or I can run home on my lunch break.  When I am putting dinner away the night before I pack my lunch for the next day.  Then it's just a simple reheat in the microwave.  

If you aren't a leftover type of person.  Then prep a quick garden salad with protein.  Or if you are at home and can cook make a quick veggie and meat stir fry.  

Supper time is Simple!

Don't over think dinner.  Meat and a vegetable is all you need.  If you aren't a fancy cook just make what you know.  We have been using Emeals and so are menu is a wide variety of meats and vegetables which I love.  This week I have made butternut squash, snow peas, red cabbage, and asparagus.  This keeps us from getting bored and we love trying new things.  

Curry Pork Should and Sweet potatoes with cauli-rice

Greek Pork Chop with Braised Red Cabbage

Honey Mustard Chicken Thighs with Roasted Butternut Squash

All American Burgers with Roasted Garlic Mushrooms

Dinner @ Mom's
Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and
Cauliflower, Grilled Asparagus, and Sauteed Bacon Brussel Sprouts

Bacon Wrapped Turkey Breast with prosciutto wrapped asparagus
and roasted sweet potatoes

Do we eat Dessert?

Rarely do we eat dessert.  There are Paleo desserts out there using coconut or almond flour.  Sometimes we will have them on Sunday evening.  The vast majority of our journey desserts would be things like blueberries, almonds, and unsweetened coconut flakes in a cup or apple/banana and almond butter.  Once your body detoxes from the sugar/gluten you don't crave sweets like before.

What do we drink?

Water.  Almost always.  During the summer we will occasionally make ice tea but do not add sweetener.  In the mornings we drink coffee.  I drink mine black but Mr. makes bulletproof coffee.  Although not Paleo, I will have an occasional glass of dry red wine.  Mr.'s drink of choice is Angry Orchard Cider with a shot of Fireball Whiskey.

What can't we eat?

I always get asked what I can't eat.  The main things are canola or vegetable oil (we use coconut or olive oil).  Sugar.  Bread (any and all).  White potatoes and corn.  Anything processed.  Here's a quick reference: 

My husband and I have lost over 130 lbs following the Paleo Lifestyle since August 2013.  Although we are fairly new to the lifestyle and continue to learn the ins and outs we have fallen in love with the ease of the diet and the health benefits that we have noticed.  We don't count calories.  We don't weigh food.  We eat what is allowed and avoid the things that aren't.  We are not perfect however.  We have had cheats from time to time but the vast majority of the time we have been pretty strict during our paleo journey.  Here are a couple of videos and stories covering our journey so far.

If you have questions...we are always glad to help answer what we can!  Just comment or send us an email!


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