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Paleo Emeals as seen on WHAS 11

If you are joining us after watching Mr. on Great Day Live today, Welcome! You can read our Paleo Journeys here: 
Mrs. Paleo Journey

 Mr. Paleo Journey

I've only been blogging and publicly sharing our journey for a couple of weeks and we hope you stay with us to follow us as we continue our journey.  Here are links to some of the most popular blogs to date: 

The Symbol of my Ring

 Lining up the Ingredients

10 Simple Ways to get your Kids to eat Paleo!

If you have been following our blog the last couple of weeks you know that we are big advocates of Emeals.  After our 30 day Paleo Challenge which was guided by the coach at our gym we found ourselves wanting more but not sure where to go next.  A couple of years ago Mr. and I had taken the Financial Peace University course offered by Dave Ramsey.  On his radio program we would hear him mention Emeals and I often thought about looking into it to save money on my grocery budget.  Luckily, I also remembered the commercials talked about Emeals having different plans: Money Saving, Low Fat, Gluten Free, and Paleo. When I checked out the website to get more information I found the site so easy to navigate.  Not only do they have plans to meet your specifications but they also have 4-6 Servings or 2-3 servings meal plans.  So it is perfect whether you have a family or if you are single or married couple.  What I loved the most was printing off a sample weeks recipes and trying it out to see if it was going to be the right fit for our family.

Our Favorite Things about Emeals:

Grocery shopping List: Every week at the end of the meal plan there is the grocery shopping list.  It categorizes the items by the section of the store.  Produce, Meat and seafood, canned, and frozen are most of the categories.  This makes my grocery trip so much smoother.  Here's a post about how I do my grocery shopping every week: Tackling the Grocery Store.

Grocery shopping List

Archives:  We've been using Emeals for 6 months now and print out our recipes every week.  Often times I mark the ones we love and those we don't care so much for.  Then on weeks when there is a recipe that we don't like I simply look back through past recipes to replace it with one that we do.  For instance, I am not a big fan of cooking fish in the house.  I don't mind it on the outdoor grill.  I've spent most of the winter replacing the fish recipes.  We do have them occasionally but not as often as offered on the weekly menus.

Paleo Friendly Emeals Binder

Budget Eating:  Since we've started on our Paleo Journey we have noticed that our grocery bill has increased slightly.  We try and buy the Dirty Dozen organic when possible.  We also buy our meat from a local butcher.  Our eggs come from a small farm when available.  I can't wait for spring, gardening and Farmer's Markets!  When I do my weekly shopping I can spend anywhere from $150-180 per week which sounds expensive BUT we hardly ever eat out.  PLUS when I figure that 3 meals a day for 7 days for 4 people is $6.43 per person per day and we are eating REAL healthy food it makes it worth it.  We eat our leftovers for lunch and have breakfast of eggs and bacon with a side of vegetables or fruit every morning.  We couldn't eat 3 times a day at McDonald's and be as satisfied as we are on $6.43 for the whole day eating Paleo.  

Emeals also has a feature button that you can select the store that you shop at most and it aligns your menu to what is on sale at the store.  I personally shop at three different places every week and have noticed that on weeks chicken or pork is on sale at my selected store that there may be a meal or 2 using that protein the week.  Genius!


Home cooked veggies, eggs, bacon and avocado
A heated up Breakfast

I'll take my home cooked version any day!  The recipes on Emeals are so yummy and easy to follow.  That's my favorite part of cooking. Every night I get to create yummy meals that are so good.  I love that every meal is different and we aren't eating the same thing every week.  After 6 months we haven't noticed much repeating of meals or the sides.  I am not bored with cooking or the food I am preparing.  I feel organized and ready for dinner prep every night because (1) I know I have everything I need (2) I am not looking in the fridge at 5 p.m. thinking, 'what am I going to make for dinner tonight?'  Using Emeals takes the stress and rush out of dinner prep and simplifies things so I can spend more time with my family.  Here's a slew of pictures of Emeals we've had recently.  

EMeals Paleo Dinners:

Thinking about starting your Paleo journey with Emeals?  I want to personally encourage you to take the plunge.  I've losted 60 lbs eating food just like this.  Real Food.  Real Calories.  This whole time I have never felt better!  Follow my blog, ask questions, get organized but remember Paleo is a Journey and Not a Destination!  


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