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10 Easy Steps to Paleo Grocery Shopping

1.  Gather you grocery stores sales ads!
Since I usually shop Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and our local grocery store ads come out on Thursday, I usually have had a day or two to scan them online.  When I do, I simply make a note on sale items that are staples in our house such as fruits and veggies.  For example, we purchase a lot of avocados when they are on sale.  This week one of our stores had them on sale for .69 each and I know that the other stores usually carries them at .99 each.  I made a note of that when scanning the ads so I knew where I wanted to purchase them.  It was a good note because the other store actually had them for 1.59 each this week.  So that quick note saved me quite a bit of money.  (I purchased 6!)

2.  Meal plan for the week!
This weeks menu courtesy of Emeals.
This has actually become very simple for me because we use Emeals!  Our weekly menu is sent every Wednesday so I know what we will be having for the week.  When there is an item that I don't care for or that we don't want to cook, I simply replace that items with something from past weeks meal plans that we did like.  I also try and look at our calendar to see which days we have busier schedules and I use crock pot meals on those nights.  When there is a recipe like a pork loin I will schedule those for the weekend.

3. List out all your ingredients by section of the store!
This weeks shopping list courtesy of Emeals!
Again because we use Emeals making a list has never been easier.  This list comes with the menu plan every week.  If you don't use emeals it would be simple enough to create one of these on paper or in an excel spreadsheet.  I love this version because it has the meal number beside it.  If we are eliminating a meal (which we didn't this week) I put an X by that item so I don't pick it up.  Often times, on this list I also mark a J, D, or A in that box so I know which store to buy it from.  When I go to the store I take this binder and a pen or pencil with me to check off as I go through the store.  

4.  Know what store you will purchase which items!
When I have looked through the sales adds and before I head out, I always have a good idea at which store I will get which things.  I usually shop at 3 stores Aldi's, Jay C, and Darlage's Custom Meats.  I go to Aldi's first because (1) it is the farthest from my house (2) some of their items, especially produce is a bit sporadic.  Next I hit Jay C and pick up most of the items that I wasn't able to get at Aldi's.  Then I shop at the closest store to my house, the local butcher.  On the weekends especially, I always try to call my order in ahead because they can be very busy at times.  I purchase most of my meat from Darlage's especially bacon, pork chops, burger, steaks, roasts and they have chicken breasts that are flash frozen and Amish raised.

5.  Make sure you have everything you need!  
Before I head to the store I always take my own bags for my Aldi's Stop.  You can purchase bags from Aldi's or try and find an empty box but I usually take three bags with me when I go.  You also need a quarter because they keep their carts locked up to save on employees.  Just a quarter lets you get a cart and you get your quarter back when you return it.  Then I also always take my binder and a pen.  When I head into the store I set my cart up like the picture below.

6.  Don't go to the store on an empty stomach!
I know this isn't new advice but it's so true!  Eat before you leave home so that you won't be so hungry at the store.  Unfortunately, I didn't follow my own advice when the kids and I went to the store on this trip.  All the way through the first store my son asked for everything and anything that he saw that was junk food.  It was a battle.  Before we had left the parking lot I found the organic gummy snacks in the bag and gave each of the kids one of those to hold them over.  After the second store, I gave each of the kids an organic apple.  That seemed to do the trick until we got home but just a good reminder to me as to why not to shop on an empty stomach.

7. Take a drink in the car with you!
My shopping trips may take longer on some days than others but I am always glad when I bring along my bottle of water from home.  On this particular day I brought along a cup of coffee as it was so cold.  This just keeps you hydrated and staying on focus.  Pre paleo, I would have stopped at a fast food restaurant or grabbed a pop by the register.

8.  Spend 90% of your time on the outside perimeter of the store.

When shopping Paleo, you will spend most of your time on the perimeter of the store.  Stay there!  It keeps you on track and away from temptations.  Besides if you made a good Paleo list, there's very little you will need from the inside anyway!

9.  Look for organic produce!
We try and buy organics when possible especially the dirty dozen.  We live in a small town and although we try, it's not always possible.  I have been excited lately as Aldi's has been carrying more and more organic.  Although it is more expensive, I honestly believe the long term effects are worth the cost.

10.  Don't be afraid to ask questions!
One of the things that is most important is not being afraid to ask questions.  Some of the things on my shopping list I had not heard of or bought before.  It's always best to find a produce person that can help.  If you can't find a person to help you at the store.  Google it!  You can always find a picture to help you identify the item easier.  Also, I make sure to always tell my cashier at Aldi's how much I appreciate them carrying organic products.  My hope is that Aldi's will have a successful program and continue to expand.

These are some of the things that help me when shopping Paleo.  Of course whenever we are able to visit a larger community we try and stock up on some of the things we can't buy local.  Recently, I've discovered a can buy a lot of the items that I need online too.  This saves me both time and travel costs to have it delivered to my front door.  Just remember that being organized helps and keeping real food on hand with a plan will keep you from stopping at a fast food restaurant on the way home from your grocery trip.  Yes, pre paleo I did that too ;)  At the end of the day remember that Paleo is a Journey and Food is a Drug!


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