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Day 8/30 Day Paleo Challenge!

After an extra long weekend I was really hoping I was going to be able to get out of bed and to the gym on Monday morning.  It wasn't pretty but I managed!  I was glad I went too!  I have a love/hate relationship with my alarm going off at 5:05 a.m.  I am not a morning person so my first instinct is to hit snooze or turn off my alarm all together.  I've noticed lately that if I turn on the bathroom light (where my phone is located), I have a great chance of staying awake.  The entire time I walk from my bed to the bathroom I have an inner struggle going on about what I am going to do.  This morning I turned on the light!

What I love about 5:30 a.m. workout is that you get them done and out of the way.  Our night tonight is jam packed of kid activities; piano lessons, football, and PTO meeting.  Getting my workout in first thing allows me to be active and shuttle my active kids.  A year ago I would add that 5:30 a.m. allowed me to run in the dark and was the least attended class but overtime our 5:30 a.m. squad has grown and there are several of us who regularly workout at that time slot.  I must also add that 5:30 a.m. is easier to do in the spring/summer/fall than it is in the winter.  Winter at 5:30 a.m. is horrible!

I refueled with breakfast when I came home and remembered to take my vitamins!

I packed turkey and peppers for a morning snack:

When I went home for lunch I worked on more leftovers and prepped for dinner:

A good afternoon snack to get me through to dinner:

I was excited to make this recipe for dinner.  I roasted my spaghetti squash the night before because I knew our Monday was jam packed with activities.  A year ago the boys rebelled against spaghetti with spaghetti squash for dinner.  I made this a couple more times and added the spaghetti squash to the meat sauce and gave them a little bit of noodles.  This time I only served it with the spaghetti squash mixed into the sauce and they ate it all!  I love a good progress story when it comes to kids eating paleo!

Our challenge this week for the 30 Day Paleo Challenge was to share a meal uninterrupted by electronics with your family.  I'm proud to share this picture as it is 98% of the time possible for our family to share a meal together.  I hope G & E appreciate family dinner time as they grow and have families of their own.

This dessert was at the end of a long tired day and was inspired by a coach at my gym.  She had mentioned it to me last week and I had purchased some apples but hadn't thrown it together yet.  Last night after the kiddos went to bed, I whipped this up for Mr. and I.

Started with 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil in a skillet.  I got the pan and oil warm and threw in a handful (1/4 cup) of pecans.  I toasted them until their was a real nutty aroma and added to sliced apples and sprinkled cinammon over all to taste.  I put a lid on the skillet and let it simmer for a bit.  When the apples were about 1/2 way cooked I added unsweetened coconut flakes and toasted them as well.  This turned out warm and comforting....and I thought to myself, "This would be perfect over a bowl full of vanilla ice cream!"  But I'm making a concious choose about my future and my goals and decided that I didn't want the ice cream in the bowl that bad!  Make good food choices because Food is a Drug #Paleo!


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