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Day 6 &7/30 day Paleo Challenge!

It's Monday and I am happy to be back to work today so I could relax!  I know that sounds crazy but this weekend was an unexpected whirl wind.

Friday is typically my "day off" from work.  After getting the boys off to school I came home and made a big breakfast because I was heading out for a run.

I logged 3 miles on Friday morning and got extra points for my team for our Paleo Challenge.  It was a humid/hot morning but it felt good to get through without walking!

By the time lunch rolled around I was really hungry and made a pretty big lunch of leftovers:

Mr. and I had Friday night to ourselves!  Think we went someplace fun?  Because of the 30 Day challenge I couldn't think of a fun date that wouldn't tempt me food wise.  If you have ideas for future free nights please send me a message!  Restaurant=out; we don't have any really good healthy restaurants close by.  Bar=out; no alocohol for 30 days!  Bowling=out; to tempted by smells of food stand.  Movie=out; I {heart} popcorn!  So we opted for dinner at home and headed to our local high school football game.  Romantic aren't we ;)
Paleo Buffalo Chicken Sweet Potato Casserole

Saturday morning I headed to the 'box' with Mr. and we did the Crossfit Lite class.  It was a family affair as my parents were there and a huge kuddos to my sister for completing her first WOD post baby!

After our workout Mr. and I tagged teamed breakfast prep.  I love weekend breakfast's because we make sweet potato hash browns.  Those are my favorite!

Lunch was a great mixture of things we had left on hand from the week!  It was so yummy!

I had prepped most of our dinner earlier in the day.  Hawaiin Pizza Salad is one of our favorites and we hadn't had it in a long time!  It was just the boys and I for dinner as Mr. had evening plans with the guys!  The boys gobbled this up too!

After dinner and clean up the boys and I settled in to watch a movie as a storm was getting ready to roll through and that's when our evening drastically changed.  The pictures I had taken that evening were too dark so I will share these with your from the next morning.

When the tree landed it pulled the wires out of our house and started smoking.  Without Mr. at home I was a little bit panicked as smoke and sparks were seen behind our house and at the pole.  Luckily, with the help of Mr. and my dad we were able to get the electric company to the house pretty quickly.  The bad news was that we wouldn't have power that evening.

My grandmother recently purchased a new home and is slowly moving into it.  Lucky for us we were able to pack up a few essentials and head there for the night so we would at least have air conditioning.  Mr. had promised the boys he would take them squirrel hunting the next morning and so here is a quick shot of them before they headed out the door Sunday morning.

My parents live a couple of houses down from the house we stayed in and my dad called when he had breakfast ready so I could stay on track!  My dad was rocking the parent gene this weekend!

After breakfast he and I headed to my house with a chain saw to begin working on this:

Mr. and the boys came soon after and neighborhood boys came to help as well!  We got it all cut down and cleaned up within about 2 hours.  Team work!

I have to admit that I don't do well with curve balls.  This was definitely one of them.  Luckily I had plenty of Paleo food leftover in the refrigerator so after the tree was done we packed up what we had and headed back to my grandma's new house to break in her new appliances.  No one went hungry ;)

It had been a long day already but we still didn't have electricity to Mr. and my dad went back to our house to start working on it.  The boys were scheduled to practice ball that afternoon and because of the heat and their lack of sleep from the storm, I had them lay down for "quiet time" aka a nap.  

By the time we got back from ball our electric was restored PTL!  Huge thanks to everyone who lended a hand!

My first 5K is next weekend and even though I was exhausted I knew I needed to get a run in.  Grant and I opted to run to my parents house for dinner (1.5 miles).  We were a sticky hot mess when we got there but I was so proud of him he ran all the way!  My mom and dad are in the midst of this Paleo Challenge too and she has been 100% supporter of our Paleo lifestyle.  So like every Sunday for the past 1 year plus we had another fantastic Paleo meal!  

Paleo tortillas are a life saver!  They make me feel normal. After dinner Mr. said that if a person didn't know they were eating a Paleo Meal that he didn't think they would be able to tell a difference.  I'm blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family...Period!

So after this crazy feels normal and less stressful to be back at work during one of my busier times of year.  I feel a little brain dead today but was able to get my workout in this morning and started on Day 8 of Paleo 30 Day Challenge!  Food is a Drug #Paleo!


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