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A Month in Review 3.14

March has been an exciting month for us.  A full month of blogging under our belts and we are excited and encouraged by how many people have visited our blog.  It's so humbling to be able to help people begin their own journeys to health.

April is an extremely busy month at my full time job so my goal is to blog at least twice a week.  If that isn't enough for you, join us on Facebook where I always post our evening meal!


Mr. was featured on a local station out of Indy!  He was sharing our journey using Emeals.  You can find the link here:  Paleo Emeals

Here is the link to Mr.'s Segment on Fox 59Mr. on Fox59

Then I shared 5 Simple Steps for Beginnners to Understanding Paleo.  Linked here: Paleo Beginners: 5 steps

Next I took you to through how I meal plan while following Paleo as seen here: Paleo Meal Planning

We've been doing this as a team.  I wanted to share our tips on the Paleo Journey with your partner.  Here are 10 tips: Paleo with a partner

We were equally excited when Mr. was able to share our journey on another local station out of Louisville during Great Day Live.  Check it out here: Mr. on Great Day Live

I get a ton of inspiration and motivation from other Paleo Bloggers so I shared 15 of my favorite 'must likes' on Facebook!  Linked here:  15 Paleo Facebook 'Must Likes'

And THEN...this happened Testimonial Tuesday !!!  Our story was featured on Emeals blog for Testimonial Tuesday!  Again we were humbled and honored to share our story.  We love using emeals and we were so excited to share our story through their site!

To get ready for our debut on emeals Testimonial Tuesday we had our friend, Kelly Stephens, snap a few 'during' pictures to share our progress!  She's naturally got a great eye and we really appreciate her help with this!  Here's her work:  'During' Pictures by Kelly Stephens

Mr. shared his journey and showed off his 75# weight loss (it's more now...but I'll let him share that when he's ready). That's our kiddo on his shoulders who symbolizes the 75# that Mr. has lost as that is how much G-man currently weighs.   Linked here: Mr.'s 75# Loss

I am a KISS (keep it simple stupid) type of person and because we have been bombarded with beginners and those interested asking us questions I did a post to keep it simple!  Linked here: Simple Paleo

We can't wait to see what April has in store for us!  Please let us know how we can help you!  Start today because Food is a Drug #Paleo!


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