My intention was to blog all weekend long...but here I am checking in on a Monday. I'm frustrated too. I weighed in this morning and was hoping for and expecting a greater number in the weight loss after 2 weeks of effort. I didn't get what I was hoping for but I know that this works and so I'm not giving up. I did have a slight detour yesterday. I got a little stomach bug Sat night into Sunday. I know that I need to work on a better solution to my stomach bug cures but my standard go to is Orange Gatorade. During the day I only got down a banana, larabar, and a couple pieces of popcorn. I sipped on sprite. By the evening my appetite was coming back and I had a full morning of work followed by a equally full morning of basketball spectating...Mr was at a football game with clients the boys and I swung through the fast food place of their choice. I got a baked potato at Arby's and chips for taco bell. I was able to eat the...