You guys!!! I think I'm turning the corner. I felt pretty good all day yesterday and woke up today feeling good too! I'm crossing my fingers because I know that on Day 11 it could be the day where I have detoxed all the crap out. I've done all the work on my end. I've eaten well, taken my vitamins, and drank a ton of water to help with the flush.
I hadn't forgotten how well I slept when I was all in but I had forgotten how well that sleep felt. I generally struggle with falling asleep at night. It tends to be that I have a hard time on shutting off my brain once my head hits the pillow. Often times I would get back up and do house work or make lists of the things running through my head. When I started Paleo the very first time I was pretty conked out. Back then I would go to bed when I put my kids to bed (8:30) and associated it with early morning workouts. Now I think that part of that cycle is my bodies way of getting into a better sleep cycle. This past 2 weeks I have been staying up later to watch the Cubs games but I'm waking up so much better refreshed.
When Mr. and I offer our group challenges we always give points for 8+ hours of sleep. There is so much research out there regarding sleep/weight loss/adrenals. It's pretty inspiring to read about. When G & E were in the NICU, they pretty much slept all the time. I remember a nurse explaining to me that the more they slept, the more the grew, healed, etc. Our sleep patterns are important to our bodies and so I believe its important as we heal our guts, flush out the junk, and work on healing.
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 bacon, bulletproof coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: Leftover chicken, broccoli
Snack: Carrots, celery
Dinner: Turkey tacos
Snack: Apple
I love sharing recipes with you when I find them. Many of my shares comes from Emeals because that's the base of my meal planning. Last nights dinner was not emeals but worth sharing because it was simple. Mr. and I love to try different foods and we love using emeals because it breaks down our shopping lists and gives us easy step by step instructions to preparing deliciousness. Last night we simply had grilled chicken thighs and roasted broccoli. It was simple and delicious. If you've never roasted broccoli before you are missing out. I tossed it with avocado oil, salt, and pepper and baked it on a baking sheet for about 30 min. at 350. It's my preferred way to eat broccoli now.
I hadn't forgotten how well I slept when I was all in but I had forgotten how well that sleep felt. I generally struggle with falling asleep at night. It tends to be that I have a hard time on shutting off my brain once my head hits the pillow. Often times I would get back up and do house work or make lists of the things running through my head. When I started Paleo the very first time I was pretty conked out. Back then I would go to bed when I put my kids to bed (8:30) and associated it with early morning workouts. Now I think that part of that cycle is my bodies way of getting into a better sleep cycle. This past 2 weeks I have been staying up later to watch the Cubs games but I'm waking up so much better refreshed.
When Mr. and I offer our group challenges we always give points for 8+ hours of sleep. There is so much research out there regarding sleep/weight loss/adrenals. It's pretty inspiring to read about. When G & E were in the NICU, they pretty much slept all the time. I remember a nurse explaining to me that the more they slept, the more the grew, healed, etc. Our sleep patterns are important to our bodies and so I believe its important as we heal our guts, flush out the junk, and work on healing.
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 bacon, bulletproof coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: Leftover chicken, broccoli
Snack: Carrots, celery
Dinner: Turkey tacos
Snack: Apple
I love sharing recipes with you when I find them. Many of my shares comes from Emeals because that's the base of my meal planning. Last nights dinner was not emeals but worth sharing because it was simple. Mr. and I love to try different foods and we love using emeals because it breaks down our shopping lists and gives us easy step by step instructions to preparing deliciousness. Last night we simply had grilled chicken thighs and roasted broccoli. It was simple and delicious. If you've never roasted broccoli before you are missing out. I tossed it with avocado oil, salt, and pepper and baked it on a baking sheet for about 30 min. at 350. It's my preferred way to eat broccoli now.
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