Today's run felt great! My last run felt horrible. Often times once I get to 1.5 mile head trash starts to take over. Today was not the case. Around lunch time I was able to squeeze in a 2.5 mile jog. It was one of those jogs that I felt like I could have kept running but because of time constraints stopped at 2.5. While I was jogging it hit me, what a great way to squash a craving by exercising. Cravings can sometimes be overbearing and mind numbing. So instead of grabbing for that instant gratification, try moving. Take a walk or jog, stretch, shoot baskets with you kids, throw a frisbee, take a bike ride; just find what it is that takes your mind off of food and enjoy the moment.
I can only share breakfast and dinner pictures today. I didn't have time for a snack and lunch was 1/2 cup of leftover sloppy joes before my run. Needless to say, by the time I had dinner I was soooo hungry!
Breakfast Scrambled Eggs w, red onion, red pepper and spinach, 1/2 avocado, bacon |
Dinner Pineapple Beef, with Sauteed Asparagus with bacon and onions! |
It's going to be an interesting weekend food wise. We are headed out of town and making sure we (I) stay on track is a huge priority even if I have to elbow my way into someone elses kitchen!
It's a priority because everyday I am reminded: Food is a Drug #Paleo!
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