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52 Days to go until I've been Paleo/Crossfit for 1 year! +Paleo Chopped Salad

We got off to a rocky start this summer babysitter didn't show up and so I took the boys with me to work for a couple of hours.  She was fine and I later found out that it was just a miscommunication about a prior commitment...but for a small fraction of time it sent me into a spin of hurry up, everyone getting dressed, grabbing gear and in the car.  Luckily the boys had a sports camp this morning so I was able to drop them there after a couple of hours at my office.

My big project is still looming over my head...and as it quickly approaches I am hoping and praying that everything comes together in the end.  Life would be much easier if everyone did what the committed to do and showed up for meetings as scheduled.  Unfortunately for this project that's been far from the truth.  At this point...I am going to hope for the best!

Mr. had made everyone breakfast before he left this a.m. Luckily I was able to slide mine in a "to go" container before heading out the door!

When I returned to my office from dropping the boys at camp, I headed over to my favorite little coffee shop that's getting ready to close (insert sad face) and took a deep breath with their Signature Blend with steamed Almond Milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  I've only recently discovered the coffee shop within walking distance from my office but I am really going to miss that steamed almond milk when they are closed!

After picking G & E up from practice we headed home for lunch and leftovers before delving into our chores.  This was just as good today as it was last night for supper!

I needed something sweet for my snack today, so I opted for fruit with a little protein.

For Dinner I had on the menu grilled chicken salad.  You know soon after Mr. and I started Paleo was when Subway was promoting their "chopped" salads.  They were great last summer when we had ball games, etc and we weren't sure what/how to pack picnic type items.  I love my salads chopped up fine but didn't really ever want to take the time to do them.  

After a trip to Alaska my parents had bought us a cool knife that I was using for decor more than anything else.  One day it hit me...I bet I could make my own chopped salad.  I haven't made a chopped salad since last summer but thought it would be fun to show you how easy it is to do it yourself, with this fancy blade of course! The blade that Subway uses is a double.  The one that I have is just a single.

Homemade Chopped Salad

I put all my lettuce and veggies in a big tupperware bowl.  The veggies I had on hand today were celery, orange pepper, tomatoes, cucumber, and red onion.  I cut them up slightly as I was adding them to the bowl.  Then I chopped until I had the consistency I wanted to achieve.  I divided my salad mixture onto 4 salad plates.  I love these plates from Mikasa. They are so versatile.  We use them either for salad plates like pictured, pasta plates (back in the day of pasta), or serving dishes when we serve family style meals.

Meanwhile, when I was prepping my salad, I had chicken breasts grilling outside.  When they were done I used the chopper for them as well and added a chicken breast to each salad.  Add oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper and viola dinner is served.

The boys reaction at first was disappointment.  They couldn't believe all we were having was "salad."  Prior to Paleo I would have had garlic toast with this yummy salad not to mention cheese and croutons.  However, once they started eating they loved it!  I did allow them to add Ceaser Dressing to their too.

Overall a yummy fast and convenient Paleo Chopped Salad!  Food is a Drug #Paleo!

Note:  I have not been asked to review any products mentioned here nor am I being compensated for my review or opinion of any projects mentioned in this post.


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