Have you ever had a day that you eat breakfast so late that you skip lunch? That was me today and it's been a long time since I've slept in as long as I did today.
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Breakfast |
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Dinner: Bacon stuffed burgers with tomato-watermelon salad |
When I started Paleo/Crossfit almost a year ago, I was a wore out tired girl. I'd start my day at 5:05 for a 5:30 workout. I was going 3-4 days a week. I'd come home, shower, and work until 4 ish. I then would head home and fix dinner and shuttle the boys to their activities or attend my own evening meetings. Their bedtime during last school year was between 8-8:30 p.m. and often times I would go to bed after getting them in bed. It took me about 3-4 weeks before my body adjusted to my new schedule and sugar/carb detox.
Since I've taken the month of June off from Crossfit, it was my intention to keep a similar schedule but run instead of head to the Box. That plan hasn't gone so well and I've found myself going to bed later and later and in turn getting up later and later. I know that isn't good for me, my body. or the journey I am on. As I prepare to head back to the Box this week I am going to have to work on my bed time routine! Even though it's Saturday night...starting tonight it's in bed at 10 p.m. and asleep by 10:30 p.m. which is a huge contrast to the 2 a.m. time frame I have found myself in.
It's an important time for me to remind myself that I am on a journey...not headed for a destination. Pulling back and looking at what is working and going well and how I need to improve is important to the success of my overall goals. I am on this journey to feel better. Staying awake until 2 a.m. is not helping to make my body feel better. It's time to make the adjustments now rather than later.
Food is a Drug #Paleo!
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