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June 1st...staring down 61 days!

It's my full attempt in blogging to be as open and honest about my journey as possible.  So today I'm sharing with you some struggles that I've been facing in a very real way.

My back still hurts!  On April 29th I pushed myself a little too far and was using improper a result I have done a number on my back.  At first I thought time off from working out would help and it did a little bit but the next week when I went back at it I felt like things just got tighter and tighter.  After the second week I headed to the chiropractor and tried to solve things with adjustments...I've had 3 none of which seemed to help the problem.

Massage Room
Last night I tried a massage.  She found minor inflammation in my lower back but my glutes and IT band were super tight.  She got continuous releases which was great.  On a side note:  I had the best Paleo friendly massage!  She used pure organic coconut oil straight from the jar for my massage oil.  It was fantastic!  However, everything still feels super tight to me.  It's the little things that are driving me the most crazy.  Getting dressed, tying shoes, picking up something off the floor, laundry, and even brushing my teeth.
I went on a long walk this morning and jogged the last mile.  The good news is I can jog without pain.  When I got home I started to stretch out immediately.  I did a few yoga poses too so that I could get lots of movement through my hip flexors and glutes.  It's so frustrating that it has me second guessing lots of things.

So over the past month I've been longing to feel good again.  Since I wasn't feeling well physically I turned to food.  May was a bad month for me.  I turned into an 80/20 rule which will be a fine rule for me to follow after I get to 1 year and after I loose my last 23 lbs. but definitely wasn't my plan for now.  Often times my "cheats" were borderline Paleo but my quantities were not.  (Dark Chocolate, Almonds, Blueberries, coconut)  On Wednesday the boys and I headed to a great documentary viewing and Q& A session on dyslexia.  Afterwards we decided to grab a bit to eat and headed to a Hibachi restaurant across the street.  I had a full plate of noodles, chicken and veggies in all that stir fry sauces.  Afterwards we headed to Target and I had the need for something sweet so I picked up a bag of those dark chocolate covered pomegranates.  On the way home I had eaten almost the entire bag.  By dinner time I was feeling so sick to my stomach.  It was awful!  I ended up having some kind of a stomach but I vowed to get it back together and take control!

Staring Down 61 Days!

To keep myself accountable and to hit my goal I am turning up the dial!  I will do this!  I will conquer this AND I will succeed!  I am not failing at this!  I am going to stare down these last 61 days and make this a commitment so that I can say I did it!

1.  I am taking the month of June off of Crossfit.  This breaks my heart!  Crossfit is how it all started but I can't go in the box wanting to do what everyone else is and not be able to do it.  I do need to heal though and I am going to see what time off will do for my back issues.  My hope through doing this is to be back at it 100% July 1.

2.  I am going to run at least 1 mile everyday.  I am going to train for my first 5K.  This however I am not doing for myself.  I am doing this for Erika Maples.  She is a former "youth grouper" of mine that is struggling for every breath.  You can follow her journey on Facebook Here: Breath of Life for Erika.  The only cure for her is a lung transplant.  Running continues to be my nemesis and so I offer this up for her!

3.  I will also incorporate functional movement exercise as I can tolerate it.  Swimming, jump roping, bike riding, sit ups, push ups, and Yoga.

4.  No more nuts, no more dark chocolate.  I've proven that I can't control myself with this special cheat.  I'm taking it off the table for June, July.

5.  I will be using some portion control again.  I tend to overeat during meals because I have reduced my snacking.  I'm going to cut back a bit on what I eat with meals and concentrate on healthy snacking in between meals.

6.  100% Paleo.  No alcohol...even red wine.

7.  I am blogging for 61 days straight!  Please walk this journey with me every day!  I am committed to it!  I have a lot happening in these 61 days like VBS, lots of baseball games to cheer on, the arrival of my newest niece or nephew, a work conference, my birthday, and hopefully lots of time at the pool and the lake.  I  want my readers to be with me every day knowing how I survived and accomplished my goal!  It's gong to happen and then...

To celebrate?!?  We're having a party!  August 1st... 1 year Paleo and Crossfit!  And we're inviting everyone who has supported us on our journey this far!


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